Texans Against Proposition 12 gathered in front of El Paso's county courthouse to tell voters to say no to proposition 12. They believe the proposition interferes with the constitutional rights of Texans and gives too much power to politicians. Proposition 12 is on the September 13th ballot, an amendment that would put a cap on malpractice lawsuits against doctors and other healthcare providers. But those in support of proposition 12, including Texas Governor Rick Perry, say with out proposition 12, doctors will be forced to stop their practice and leave El Paso for good. A recent study done by the Center for Justice and Democracy says "laws that restrict consumer's rights to go to court--"tort reform"--have failed to cut insurance costs or rates around the country." Some with Texans Against Prop. 12 say the insurance companies need to be regulated. Others say it's about access to healthcare. For more information on the study done by the Center for Justice and Democracy you can log onto [email protected]
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